Euclidea Wiki

Where there is matter, there is geometry. — Johannes Kepler


Let O be the center of the circle and A the vertex.

6L Solution

  1. Construct line OA, intersecting the circle at point B.
  2. Construct the perpendicular bisector of AB, intersecting the circle at points C and D.
  3. Construct line AC.
  4. Construct line BC.
  5. Construct line BD.
  6. Construct line AD.

7E Solution

  1. Construct the circle with center A and radius OA, intersecting circle O at points B and C.
  2. Construct the circle with center B and radius BC, intersecting circle O at D.
  3. Construct line OB, intersecting circle B at points E and F.
  4. Construct line ED, intersecting circle O at point G.
  5. Construct line AG.
  6. Construct line DF, intersecting circle O at point H.
  7. Construct line AH.


Solution 6L is easy as the inscribed square's center is the same as the circle's center, so you can find the vertex opposite to A as its diametrical opposite. That diameter is also a diagonal of the square, so by constructing its perpendicular bisector and second diagonal of the square, you can find the two remaining vertices and just need to trace the whole square.

Solution 7E is trickier. By construction, ABOC is a rhombus, and ABO and ACO are equilateral triangles as all their sides are equal. Therefore, AO and BC (the rhombus's diagonals) are perpendicular bisectors to each other, and angle BOC is 120°.

By construction as well, BCD is an isosceles triangle as BC=BD, and since angle ∠BDC is the inscribed angle that subtends the same arc as the central angle ∠BOC, ∠BDC=120°/2=60°. Therefore, BCD is also an equilateral triangle and AO is one of its bisectors and passes through D, making A, O and D collinear and A and D diametrical opposites on circle O.

Constructing line OB gives you EF, a diameter of circle B, and as such, EDF is a right triangle. And since AD is a diameter of circle O, AGD and AHD are right triangles as well. So, AGDH has three right angles and is therefore a rectangle. In fact, you can construct any diameter EF of circle B (that doesn't pass through point O) and similarly prove that the resulting AGDH is a rectangle.

Now, the fact that the diameter EF passes through point O allows you to determine several angles, for example angle ∠ADG.


∠ADB is known since the triangle BDC is equilateral and AD is one of its bisectors, so ∠ADB=60°/2=30°.

∠BDG=∠BEG since the triangle BED is isosceles. Also ∠BEG is the inscribed angle that subtends the same arc as the central angle ∠FBD in circle B, so ∠BEG=∠FBD/2. Also, in circle O, ∠FBD is the inscribed angle that subtends the same arc as the central angle ∠FOD, so ∠FBD=∠FOD/2. ∠FOD itself is known as it's the opposite angle of ∠AOB and is therefore 60° as AOB is equilateral. So ∠BDG=∠BEG=∠FBD/2=∠FOD/4=60°/4=15°

So ∠ADG=∠ADB+∠BDG=30°+15°=45°, which makes triangle AGD right and isosceles. Therefore, the two adjacent sides AG and GD of the rectangle AGDH are equal, which makes AGDH a square.

List of Levels
Alpha Angle of 60°Perpendicular BisectorMidpointCircle in SquareRhombus in RectangleCircle CenterInscribed Square
Beta Angle BisectorIntersection of Angle BisectorsAngle of 30°Double AngleCut RectangleDrop a PerpendicularErect a PerpendicularTangent to Circle at PointCircle Tangent to LineCircle in Rhombus
Gamma Chord MidpointTriangle by Angle and OrthocenterIntersection of Perpendicular BisectorsThree equal segments - 1Circle through Point Tangent to LineMidpoints of Trapezoid BasesAngle of 45°LozengeCenter of Quadrilateral
Delta Double SegmentAngle of 60° - 2Circumscribed Equilateral TriangleEquilateral Triangle in CircleCut Two RectanglesSquare Root of 2Square Root of 3Angle of 15°Square by Opposite MidpointsSquare by Adjacent MidpointsSquare by Two Vertices
Epsilon Parallel LineParallelogram by Three VerticesLine Equidistant from Two Points - 1Line Equidistant from Two Points - 2HashShift AngleLine Equidistant from Two LinesCircumscribed SquareSquare in SquareCircle Tangent to Square SideRegular Hexagon
Zeta Point ReflectionReflectionCopy SegmentGiven Angle BisectorNon-collapsing CompassTranslate SegmentTriangle by Three SidesParallelogramNine Point CircleSymmetry of Four LinesParallelogram by Three Midpoints
Eta Sum of Areas of SquaresAnnulusAngle of 75°Line Equidistant from Three PointsHeron's ProblemCircumscribed CircleInscribed CircleCircle Tangent to Three LinesSegment by MidpointAngle IsoscelesExcircle
Theta Perimeter BisectorAngle 54° TrisectionInterior AnglesRegular OctagonTriangle CleaverTorricelli PointCircle Equidistant from Four PointsOctagon from SquareEgyptian Triangle by Side of Length 4Chord Parallel to Segment
Iota Minimum Perimeter - 1Third ProportionalHarmonic Mean of Trapezoid BasesDrop a Perpendicular*Midpoint*Trisection by Trapezoid DiagonalsMinimum Perimeter - 2Harmonic Mean of SegmentsTriangle by Angle and CentroidTriangle Mid-Segment
Kappa Tangent of CircleOuter TangentInner TangentRotation 90°Rotation 60°Segment TrisectionSegment Trisection*Chord TrisectionThree Circles - 1Secant BisectionThree Circles - 2Center of Rotation
Lambda Fourth ProportionalGeometric Mean of SegmentsGolden SectionAngle of 54°Third Parallel LineCircle in AngleGeometric Mean of Trapezoid BasesRegular PentagonPoint Farthest from Angle SidesRatio 1 to 5
Mu Triangle by MidpointsTriangle by Side and CentroidTriangle by Altitude Base PointsTriangle by Tangent PointsTriangle by ExcentersEquilateral Triangle by Centroid and Two PointsRight Triangle by Two Points on LegsHypotenuse and AltitudeHypotenuse and LegIsosceles Triangle by Tangent Points
Nu Circle Tangent to Line and CircleEquilateral Triangle - 2Equilateral Triangle on Concentric CirclesSquare in TrianglePoint Equidistant from Side of Angle and PointCircle Through Two Points and Tangent to LineInscribed Square - 2Line ReflectionSquare by Four Points
Xi Rhombus in TriangleCircle Tangent to Two CirclesTriangle by Tangent Point on HypotenuseParallelogram on Four LinesArbelos
Omicron Midpoint*Copy CircleLine-Circle IntersectionThree Equal SegmentsTangent to Circle*Napoleon's ProblemDrop a Perpendicular**Line-Circle Intersection*Circle with Center on LineAngle of 3°Mickey Mouse
Equilateral TriangleIntersect ToolPerpendicular BisectorMove ToolAngle BisectorPerpendicularParallel LineCompass